New Danzig June 22nd (maybe).


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Well since the last one kicked so much ass, and I know there are at least 2 other fans on this board, I can post this:
As confirmed by, Songtitles for the new DANZIG album confirmed so far:

1000 Devils Reign
Circle of Snakes
When We Were Dead
Black Angel, White Angel
Skull Forrest
My Darkness

The photos that will be used for the upcoming album look Killer! Deadly shots of Glenn and the band. The new DANZIG album will be titled "Circle of Snakes" and will include 11 tracks. Look for a possible June 22nd release. Look for more updates here and
I'm excited. :tickled:

Huh, just noticed this is the same label that's home to Samael, Dark Funeral, Defleshed, Marduk, and Behemoth.
You keep calling it IV, proof that you never bought your own copy. :lol:

Danzig's music sounds like sex, so yes. And good job! If it's a boy you should name him Glenn.
NAD said:
You keep calling it IV, proof that you never bought your own copy. :lol:
No I didn't buy it yet. But what the heck do you keep calling it 4p for then?! What the hell is 4p? Is that how much it costs in England? :loco:

Danzig's music sounds like sex, so yes. And good job! If it's a boy you should name him Glenn.
And if it's a girl, I'll call her Glenda. :tickled:
JayKeeley said:
No I didn't buy it yet. But what the heck do you keep calling it 4p for then?! What the hell is 4p? Is that how much it costs in England? :loco:
:tickled: It's named after the 4p cult / movement, which if memory serves is a cannibal sect of some larger movement (and a quick google search came up empty so I can't verify). Besides the fact that there's a fist-sized 4 in the liner notes, with a wee li'l "p" next to it. :loco:
And if it's a girl, I'll call her Glenda. :tickled:
Here's hoping for twins! :lol:

So have you heard 777 yet? P'raps I need to bundle that with the next batch of CD-Rs.
yes i'm interested in what this one will sound like, ol Glenn is starting to become rather unpredictable =/

side note: i'm glad he finally stopped adding numbers to his titles. When i read (seems like forever ago) that 7 would be the last to bear a number i was like, FINALLY.:loco:
Well he had to get to 666 (or 6:66, whatever), and then naturally 777, what with his whole balance of light and dark bit.
yea man but damn.. ok here's part of on interview if you haven't seen it already.

Black Winter Day said:

Been a long time Danzig fan since the beginning, don't think I've heard one single song that I didn't like, but I suppose that voice could be recorded over the top of a toilet flushing and I'd probably still buy it :lol: The drum sound on 777 is particularly noteworthy, seriously fuckin' thumpin', hope they keep that up for the next one. So it's really the end of the number thing, then? I wonder if that bears any significance in that 888 is supposed to be the number of the christ, he-he?
E-tep666 said:
don't think I've heard one single song that I didn't like
I said this all the way up until 6:66, but that's the only album (including Misfits and Samhain) that has songs I don't like. :)
Ooooooooooooooh album cover:


Hmm, and they're playing in Arizona two nights this weekend, might have to drive out there. Holy shit one of the shows is in Tuba City, a town of less than 10,000 people on a Navajo reservation! I'm so god damn going. :Smokedev:

Well maybe not, it would be at least an 8 hour drive each way, plus holiday traffic, and probably having to dodge / run over plenty of assholes at "the River." Balls.

I love talking to myself. :Spin:
Circle of Snakes is very good IMO and Nad/Adrian here's a picture for you to peep. Danzig/Samhain related i made... Click Me
Hey fucker! Where you been? That picture is great by the way, very unique but still obviously the Samhain scarecrow. :Smokedev:

I'm a bit disappointed with Circle of Snakes so far, but I felt the same with I Luciferi until it fully sunk in after a few months. Actually no Danzig album has grabbed me from the start, except 4p which has rocked my socks off since day one. Black Angel White Angel kicks my ass though, I'll give it that.
Ehhh, i've been around. Mainly just observing trying to work the depression out of my system through art. Haven't really been in a mood interact with people :erk:
I'm sure you'll end up loving Circle, best one he's done in a long time.

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