new DARMAZAT produced by Andy La Rocque


veteran headbanger \m/
Jan 3, 2002
Regina, SK, Canada

Darzamat has begun the recording of its new album which will be entitled ''Transkarpatia''. There is a huge leap forward in front of the band as after engraving its traces in Poland, the Darzamat's members will be the guests in Goeteborg's studio at Andy La Rocque ( the guitar player of the cult band King Diamond ), who has undertaken the production of the new record.

La Rocque, who is famous for his play in King Diamond as well as in Death on the record entitled "Individual Thought Patterns", acceded to the cooperation with Darzamat without any hesitation. We are owing the ability of making the acquaintance with such a remarkable personality of the world metal scene to our guests from Lord Belial, who have been cooperating with Andy for a very long time. I am truly glad that Darzamat will also be able to work with such an excellent musician as well as producer - states Flauros, the Darzamat's vocalist.
The band is going to Sweden in the second half of october. Except from the mix, La Rocque will also make the mastering of the record. The work will take place in ''Los Angered'', the studio located in Goeteborg, the owner of which is nobody else but the King Diamond's guitar player himself. It is worth while adding that it is in ''Los Angered'' that, among others, the albums of such groups as : In Flames, Evergrey or the very King Diamond came into being. At this very moment, in polish studio ''Maq'' there are traces of particular instruments being registered, under the precise surveillance of Jaroslaw Toifl. Yet, the final shape of the record will be formed in Sweden.

While taking the musical part into consideration, ''Transkarpatia'' is the development of the direction being introduced and followed on the last record entitled ''Semidevilish''. However, the new elements and a kind of perfection in each possible detail, will be the strong trumps of the new album. There have been some changes in the band since ''Semidevilish''. Our keyboard player - Spectre joined the composing and it can undeniably be heard on the new record. Music gained a certain kind of ''spirit'', which, I personally think, ''Semidevilish'' slightly lacked - adds Flauros.

Curiously enough, Darzamat has decided to work with the group of totally new people.- In each case, whether it is the producer, sound producer, cover designer or a photographer, we have been dealing with the people we have not cooperated before. The purpose of this kind of action is for the band and the record to gain freshness and a new view These are the real experts in their domains. With every passing day of the work, we are becoming more and more certain that everything ideally fits the new album's concept. The author of the cover and graphics to the record is Qras - a famous artist from Sosnowiec who has cooperated among others with Frontside and Horroscope. Photos to the new album were taken by Katarzyna Zaremba. ''Transkarpatia'' will come out at the beginning of the next year, thanks to Polish label Metal Mind Productions.

“Transkarpatia” program:
Vampiric Prose
The Burning Times
Letter from Hell
Labyrinth of Anxiety
Recurring Yell
The Old Form of Worship
Tempted by Rot
Tribute to...

Darzamat crew:
Nera – female vocals, Flauros - male vocals, Chris – guitars, Spectre – keyboards, Bacchus – bass, Golem – drums