New Decapitated album

Birkenau said:
I didn't like it too much, the vocals are abit too "metalcore" sounding for me.

Yeh, a lot of the older Decap fans I've spoken to have mentioned that they didn't like this release as much. For me personally, I thoroughly enjoyed this album, equally as much as their older stuff.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to the new Decapitated album. I prefer Sauron as the vocalist than the new guy though.
I prefer the older Decap albums. The best one is "winds of creation" :p this album kicks ass he he hell. I heard that Decapitated is also called "DECOPYVADER" dont know why. VADER and DECAPITATED are playing very different music... Btw TRAUMA and HATE are two death metal bands from poland, much better than DECAPITATED!!!