New Demo - Please Review

My band Delian League has just completed our demo. If possible would you take the time to listen and let me know what you think?

Thanks for your time and consideration

Sounds pretty good to me I detect a hint of Blind Gaurdian in there! You guys have a great sound I like it How might I get a copy of that Ep I really like it
Well I got a chance to listen to all the songs that you posted And I fukin love em you guys are great the more I listen The More I like it How many songs will you be putting on the Ep? I am gonna have a couple of my buddies from the boards check you out as a matter of fact I'm Gonna have everybody I know check you guys out........ So how long has the Band Exsisted? How many Members are there?
Anyway If you need any web design help I may be able to get my Fiance to help you Shes Very good at web Design check out her Personal Site and then theres My so so band site she did for me Check em out and tell me what you think ROCK ON GUYS
Dude..........Questioning just rocks! I am listening while I time. Guitars are a little Maidenish. Way cool. On to the second tune...........still kicking my ass. Sweet stuff!

Check our stuff out at the below link.
Hey this is Rich from Delian League, thanks for the comments. We are working on an EP and will probably put 10-12 songs on it. We have nearly 20 written.

For the latest news join the mailing list and check out the website. We updated it greatly since the last time I've been here.

Thanks, Rich
BTW: 57Stitch, I check it out, its really cool, I know Dave(our other guitarist) is going to like you guys, I'll make sure he hears ya.