New Diezel Herbert riffage mixed with new monitors, listen suckas!


New Metal Member
Jul 31, 2006
Bournemouth, UK
My new Tapco S8s came the other day and may or may not have been slightly bigger than i expected, but i made room for them on the desk and they sound awesome none the less. I have some Mopads coming so i dont lose all the bass into the desk, but for now this will have to do, and its a big step up from my old speakers. All my old mixes sound pretty unbalanced on these, but this one sounds better to my ears. I had to mess with the levels to accomodate the shitty 128kbps encoding which compresses the top and the bottom to hell. Eventually ill spring for a premium soundclick account so i can have up to 320Kbps, which sounds sooo much better. Its just a simple riff, for once i stuck to 4/4, hence the name, but i made up for that by using some gnarly chords. Its called Fourty Four, hope you diggle...

Let me know what you think and any comments on the mix would be appreicated

Sounds nice! Btw, a question on those looking to get myself some monitors, was looking at the Tapco S5's the smaller version of yours. Are they good for the money and do you think its worth the extra cash for a slightly bigger bass speaker of the S8? :)
Maybe ur right. I mean my moto is...if you may need to upgrade soonish you might as well spend a bit extra on the thing you really want and ull actually keep! Best in the long run I guess.
Sounds nice! Btw, a question on those looking to get myself some monitors, was looking at the Tapco S5's the smaller version of yours. Are they good for the money and do you think its worth the extra cash for a slightly bigger bass speaker of the S8? :)

Honestly, ive never heard the S5s, so i couldnt say, but these S8s are really nice. They have a good tight bass and excellent clarlity for the money. Id definately recommend these, i can only imagine the S5s will be just as good in terms of quality. Personally, id always get the best you can afford, so if its in budget, id get the s8s, just be wary that theyre big bastards, so ive had to reorgaise my desk a little :headbang:. I plan to get a good few years out of these before i have to upgrade and im sure theyll deliver, all the reviews i read said they were the best in the price bracket

Thanks James, I think I will get the S8's when Ive got the dosh! :) Talk about an upgrade....Im currently using 2 multimedia speakers Ive had for....years...1 of them hardly works anymore...thus being pretty crap for mixing, cant wait, im sure ill be loving the S8's.