New Dimebag Guitar unveiled at NAMM

Hooooooold on a second here. Okay I'm not going to yell and scream until I know the story BUT. Dime hadn't played Dean for awhile, he switched to Washburn several years ago, and Dean never made a custom Dimebag guitar. I really hope they aren't cashing in on his death.

Or I'm just completely out of the loop and he switched back to Dean without my knowledge.
excerpt from the site:

Darrell was an artist not only with a guitar but also with a pen. When I would meet with him, he would show up with a file folder full of drawings of his guitar designs.

Just a few weeks ago I was with Darrell at a show in Milwaukee . Backstage after the show 2 kids were waiting at the stage door and would not leave without seeing Darrell. When he got wind of this he insisted they be brought back to meet him. These kids were so in awe to meet their idol, then Darrell rocked their world when he put them on the VIP list for the Chicago show the very next day.

Darrell was one of Rock's greatest guitarists. He took metal to whole new level and showed young rockers how the instrument was to be played. He made young kids all over the world want to pick up a guitar and play like Dime! He potentially inspired more kids to play guitar than any artist in recent history.

On a personal note, words cannot express the loss I am feeling. Of all the stars I have met in the past 28 years, nobody touched me like Darrell. He was the artist who would bring me on stage and introduce me as the world's greatest guitar maker. He was a fan of mine as I was a fan of him. No single artist has done more for the popularity of Dean Guitars than Dimebag Darrell.

These past months working with Darrell on new guitar designs, talking to him just about every day have been the most invigorating times in my 28-year career. Seeing Dime onstage with a Dean in his hands again brought back feelings I thought were gone forever. Just yesterday I was on the phone with him discussing the photo shoot we had set up for the show in Michigan on Friday to introduce his new Razorback design.
- Dean B. Zelinsky
Yeah he went back to Dean for Damageplan. He also dropped solid state amps and went tube with Krank. They even developed his own amp, "Krankenstein" or something like that.