new dimmu album

The Omnipotent Bob

International Hearthrob
Apr 5, 2002
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its alright. doesnt live up to expectations (as has about 90% of all that has been released this year). the production is great of course. more orchestration,which is a plus. the songs are just kinda blah. nothing real special like PEM. I like half the ablum, the other half I can do w/o. tracks 2 and 3 are my favs. track 8 (I cant remember) has a killer, almost 2 min orchestral intro, then goes to shit. lots of slow - mid paced songs on this album. wont be buying it or burning it.
The Omnipotent Bob said:
its alright. doesnt live up to expectations (as has about 90% of all that has been released this year). the production is great of course. more orchestration,which is a plus. the songs are just kinda blah. nothing real special like PEM. I like half the ablum, the other half I can do w/o. tracks 2 and 3 are my favs. track 8 (I cant remember) has a killer, almost 2 min orchestral intro, then goes to shit. lots of slow - mid paced songs on this album. wont be buying it or burning it.

Thanks for the review, I won't waste my money on that one either!!

There is no fast as shit songs like BLessing Upon the Throne of Tyrany?
That bums me out too , I wanted to get this disc. So you're saying just to download it Bob? No fast songs at all? I dig their dramatic intros so at least they still have that !!!
I heard that this album is a continuation of Puritanical and it's excellent. I guess it depends on who you're talking to...

I don't know yet because I haven't bought it...I think I still will..
MindInsane said:
I heard that this album is a continuation of Puritanical and it's excellent. I guess it depends on who you're talking to...

I don't know yet because I haven't bought it...I think I still will..

If it's a continuation of Puritanical , than I will definately buy it. I think I'm just gonna pick it up , everyone has their own opinion so fuck it. :loco:

It sounds nothing like PEM, from what I've heard. I'm disappointed with the 4 tracks I've heard (some great moments, but all is centred on the orchestra... very few killer fast-paced guitar black metal riffing), although I have read nothing but good things about it. I'll buy it with the presumption that it has to be heard in its entirety.
it is a continuation of PEM, but not packed full of fast tracks. there are a few killer speed tracks, but most are mid paced w/ a few fast parts. lots more slow stuff on this disc. I was really bummed out w/ it.

hey Akumojo Dracula X3 , I totally agree. OMC is a better band. :headbang:
LMAO!!!! i dont know what bob is thiking, i have 5 songs from the new album and its already album of the year IMO. its definately better then puritanical, similar to it, but also major progression. Abbath (the singer from immortal) is a guest vocalist on 2 of the songs as an added bonus. my favorite songs from the few i have are blood hunger doctrine, progenies of the great apocalypse, and vredesbyrd. dont be bummed by those other reviews, its killer stuff.

and hiddenlegions, ill bring ya a copy of the songs off the album tomorrow
MindInsane said:
I heard that this album is a continuation of Puritanical and it's excellent. I guess it depends on who you're talking to...

I don't know yet because I haven't bought it...I think I still will..
Let me know what you think MI because I like your taste in music!
here atre some links the the NEW DIMMU BORGIR MUSIC VIDEO !!!!! i really like it, they actually put some $$ into it too. check it out


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I have to disagree w/Bob. I think this album is amazing - both in content and production. Staying true to form...the album is more than just a compilation of songs randomly thrown together, rather it's like a musical story that plays best when you listen to it from start to finish. The philharmonic orchestrations are well placed and well done. The drumwork, vocals, keyboards and guitars are vintage DB. This album definately delivers - or at least it did for me.

If you enjoyed PEM and SBD you will probably enjoy this.
hey choas, I liked progenies of the great apocalypse, for the world to dictate our death, lepers among us, and vredesbyrd.

but heavenly pervesed, the opener, cataclysm children, blood hunger doctrine, unorthodox manifisto, and eradication insticts defined weren't all that great and kinda boring. subpar for what this band is capable of.