new ditty with slate ex (or, what not to do with slate ex)


May 7, 2007
I still gots to add bass guitar and clean up some stuff (no the beginning won't have a count in), but here's a new deal using slate ex. Still sounds like a drum machine (my fault, not his :erk:).

Not sure if I'm gonna keep the solos - that's actually the main reason I'm posting this. Keep them or toss? They're kinda outta key and muck up the riffs beneath. Anyone else have that problem with solos, or do you specifically dumb down your riffs to just some chords to account for that issue?

If nothing else, you can take solace in that there's someone out there that can take a perfectly good drum program and make it sound pretty bad! That's my gift to the forum, my brothers.
I like your kick sounds natural :) the snare is loud imo.
I would keep the solo but not those bends at 2:07.

Killer song :headbang:
valuable advice - thank you habsburgs! snare is too over-powering, you're correct. down it shall go.

based on your comment and another guy's at the duncan forum, I'll think I'll be deleting that second solo at the 2 minute mark entirely, and move the first solo into its place (and just leave that first gallop riff with no solo to establish the riff). bends are in G, but the riff is in B :lol: not sure what I was smoking there.
:( i liked the solo :cry:

record some vocals! :kickass:

oh, just the bends that are outta whack? good to know! I could always punch in and do something different at the end to replace. I don't like sliding things around anyway that were initially tracked at a certain location; it feels like cheating.

my vocals are so hideously bad it's not funny.

The kick sounds a bit too natural in opinion, and a bit muffled. It's got low end thump and the high end clarity, but at something about it is just making it a bit too buried in the mix. Maybe work with cutting some of the mids on it?
i dont like the bends at around 2:07 thats it.. they sound out of place and dont go well with the rest of the solo so everything else after and before is fine. :danceboy:
dude seriously add some bass to this track, has an awesome vibe to it!

I was going to hold off posting until the bass was done, but I got all excited.

Hey bro! :) I dig your riffing, especially around 1:28. This is pure fucking Thrash Metal!

hehe, what I was raised on! can't seem to generate any non-thrash with any good results. kind of a one trick pony.

The kick sounds a bit too natural in opinion, and a bit muffled. It's got low end thump and the high end clarity, but at something about it is just making it a bit too buried in the mix. Maybe work with cutting some of the mids on it?

I hear what your saying. I'll try that, and also see what happens if I use the bass drum from the "metal" kit instead of the slate rock kit.

i dont like the bends at around 2:07 thats it.. they sound out of place and dont go well with the rest of the solo so everything else after and before is fine. :danceboy:

cool, thanks for clarifying.