New Division...


Sounds good, but I have to say that the originals sound a bit more heavy. Was this a conscious decision to record more melodic versions. Who knows, maybe I don't know WTF I am talking about...

Trinity still rates as one of the best albums (oops CDs) of this year...
just grabbed the tracks....

so far remembrance has a great sound, i really dig the chorus. nice to see the use of some gang-style vox in the chrous.
Paradise Lost: great riffage! im noticing many more layered vocals this time around.
its sounding really good.
Children of the Stone: already like the opening 15 seconds in \m/ this one seems to be the most like trinity in terms of style. once again, great guitar harmonies (one thing in particular you guys do consistently well).

great stuff guys! cant wait to hear more.
thanks! im glad you enjoy it. the site is actually getting a bit of an overhaul now. i recently changed my forum skin and decided the site was looking a bit tired, so im in the process of altering the layout to be a little more sleek and polished.

dunno if you remember me but we chilled a bit at the King's X show at jaxx at the end of april. my gf and i were hanging out with mike and nick a lot and you were chillin around with us for a bit there ;)
oy shit, nick....that behemoth still haunts her dreams.

MB will never wear a skirt to jaxx ever again hahaha

consequently, mb and i wont be able to make the KX show on oct 2nd. a certain someone is getting married that day, and to make it to the show after the wedding may prove too tight. we will have to see.
Just had a chance to listen to the tracks. At first glance, Paradise appeals to me the most...the force behind it appeals to me (it kicks ass right out of the gate :headbang: ) along with the layered vocals (as noted before). The guitar work in both Children and Remembrance continue to impress me (I am new to the fandom of Division so keep the mockery to a min plz :p )

I finally got off my butt and listened to the new tracks.

Paradise Lost: My fav of the 3 new/old songs on offer. This is also my fav version of it from the 3 versions I have on cd :)

I do like the new verisons of both "Children Of The Stone" and "Rememberence", but unlike the new version of Paradise these didn't grab me immediately. There's no single reason why - repeated listening will no doubt help me get used to them....