new documentary

timothy sykes

Oct 19, 2005
maybe its just me and my distrust of the media but the last time channel 4 made a documentary about a heavy metal band playing in a pub was bad
I think it stinks to be honest that the tour of south america was cancelled due to visa/recording comitments and then they treck to lincoln to play in a pub.!!!!! fucking hell guys
Dont kill everything that you and us fans have built up over the years... announcing tours /cancelling tours .... delays on dvd etc is not good enough
How can we plan for the next tour (hotel rooms,flights,holidays from work etc) if we cant be sure that it will go ahead
anyways rant over
For now
DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT CHANNEL 4, but id guess they will make Saxon look bad, their version of a real life Spinal Tap or some shit like that. but in reaLity, with the business decisions made lately, they are more like the tap than id like to admit.