New Dream Theater and Satyricon?

Does anyone hear the disturbing similarity between Dream Theater and everybody else on the planet?

Seriously, that was gonna be my response :erk: I mean, they definitely pioneered their own sound, but there are SOOOOOO many songs where you can blatantly say "oh that's such a so-and-so ripoff" (and please, none of this "well there are only so many notes in western music and blah blah blah" nonsense, no one can tell me "Home" was not a complete pilfering of "Forty-Six and Two," or the second verse of "The Great Debate" just a general Tool stylistic ripoff)
i think a lot of their influence stuff is really just a nod to the bands they are influenced by. they are such good musicians its almost something to do to break the boredom of being so good i feel. they can "bite" linkin park, rush, slayer, u2, muse, tool, peter gabriel, the beatles, metallica, opeth, ragtime, classical, etc. etc. etc. etc.

a very wide array or other bands. it's not like creed where it;s like ok these guys are like pearl jam or whatever people used to say about them. one thing about dream theater, with the exception of the last cd, they don't have many songs that sound the same. i don't think you can say that about any other band, especially that popular and with such a long and successful career. none of their albums sound like either.