New Dream Theater...

Really? Hrmmmm. I have actually heard a lot of praises for this.
Maybe I need to check it out.
I loved Train of Thought.
That's the album that got me into them.
Then I explored the rest of their catalog.
Some clicked with me and others didn't.

I assume being on Roadrunner now they took more of a heavy direction on the new one?
I like the first few songs, and then I lose interest in the last half of the disc. Repentence is cool since it continues the AA saga from the last few albums.

I just have no use for Dream Theater's meandering epics lately. I bought James LaBrie's solo disc a few weeks ago and much prefer that to a lot of the recent Dream Theater stuff. It's awesome to hear him in front of a different band.

The new Symphony X blows Systematic Chaos out of the water. :headbang: