New Dvd coming?

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Apr 5, 2007
Below is taken from the Official DT Site, I hope it's true because IMO I think the Live Damage dvd sucks.

So far so good- June 21, 2007

Festivals are going fine, and footage is starting to appear on YouTube, Flickr and the usual media sharing sites. We've also had lots of photo submissions sent to us, and we promise that there will be an update (also including the pics from the Japan/Korea/Australia shows last year as well as the recent US tour) as soon as possible. There also are some VERY cool tattoo pics just waiting to be posted.

However, since we'll leave Gothenburg at 04:30 tomorrow morning for the Bang your head and Hellfest festivals, there's only time to post a quick link to the fine people at Rockfoto, who documented out show at Hultsfred last weekend. Check the photos out here:

Speaking of Hultsfred, this show was the first to display a set of animations and projections during our performance. The whole gig was filmed with pro equipment and there's a possibility that the footage will be publically available in the future.
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