New Eden's Curse clips

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
This is going to rule plain and simple. I bought these guy's last album along with the acoustic version as well and finally they have arrived at album number three aptly titled Trinity. Vocal guests are Andi Deris and James Labrie. Two samples are up on their facebook page both the songs with Deris and Labrie and they are pretty bloody amazing to be honest. Both of them completely wet my appetite for this album. Awesome sounding melodic metal.
I was disappointed with these guys live at Melodicrock Fest last year. The singer was flat and lifeless on stage, he needs to learn some vibrato and the guitarist just wanted to play a million miles an hour. I was disappointed cause I really like the songwriting (the bass player who I understand is the chief songwriter writes some good pop metal). I also think they are a victim of their production cause of all the guests they have on the album and all the background vocalists, in a live situation they fall short. Don't think I am bashing the band, cause as I said I like the songwriting, I think they have potential.
I liked their first album the best.
I was disappointed with these guys live at Melodicrock Fest last year. The singer was flat and lifeless on stage, he needs to learn some vibrato and the guitarist just wanted to play a million miles an hour. I was disappointed cause I really like the songwriting (the bass player who I understand is the chief songwriter writes some good pop metal). I also think they are a victim of their production cause of all the guests they have on the album and all the background vocalists, in a live situation they fall short. Don't think I am bashing the band, cause as I said I like the songwriting, I think they have potential.
I liked their first album the best.

I too was surprisingly disappointed with the band live at Melodicrock Fest--for exactly the same reasons. The CDs kick ass but they seriously faltered live and I can't help but wonder if they are a product of great studio production and "fixing".
The new song featuring James LaBrie has been made available in its entirety:

Awesome tune!! I don't think I had ever checked them out. Will do it now.
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Waiting impatiently for my order to arrive however of course the whole album is out there now and what a kick ass CD it is too.

Here's my song by song.

after the intro we go into

02 - Trinity - uptempo, killer riffing, sweet production and a big chorus What EC is all about in a nutshell though not a brilliant track those are still to come.

03 - Saints Of Tomorrow - mid tempo, killer riffing, sweet vocals and big chorus hook. I think I like the verses even more than the choruses which is very strange for me.

04 - No Holy Man - lead single, slow tempo but ultra melodic even better than first two tracks but there's amazing moments yet to come!

05 - Guardian Angel - I don't normally like heartfelt emotional ballads but this power ballad is just perfection. Can it get any better? YES!

06 - Can't Fool The Devil - Yes what a track! This one reminds me of a classic era Impellitteri track with fiery riffs and killer harmonized chorus and awesome axework all over the shop.

07 - Rivers Of Destiny - Typicall mid tempo EC riffing. This song reminds me of Place Vendome's last album. Michael Eden's melodies are so sunshiny and happy in this song. The chorus soon kicks in and it's yet another MASSIVE hook and sheer sugar for the ears and then those riffs return to caress your ears.

08 - Dare To Be Different - Holy shit! Back to Impellitteri shred riffing and that sweet up tempo before it settle down to regular EC goodness and Mr. Eden's amazing vocals. The chorus is another gem of melody upon melody to soothe your ears with a great solo to follow. The lyrics are a bit cheesy but I don't really care about lyrics. Did I mention that Mr. Labrie singings awesome backing vox throughout the album? Well yes..

/09 - Children Of The Tide - A slow burner that shows the melodic moody side of the band to full effect. Michael's voice is awesome in this tune which slowly sweeps you away on a melodious high before a thumping mid tempo kicks in and pounds away. One of the best and heaviest tracks on the album. The chorus on this one is not that sugary and will appeal to those who don't like it too poppy. The album keeps getting better and better god damn it!

10 - Black Widow - Woah the heaviest track on the album by far. Guest vocals from Mr. Deris on this beast of a song. This could have come off any recent Helloween album being up tempo and heavy and very melodic. The production is just killing me on this album. Mr. Ward outdid himself. This song is just HUGE and performed with so much gusto and power with a powerful vocal performance from both Eden and Deris.

11 - Jerusalem Sleeps - The longest track on the album starts off with middle eastern sitar sounds before the heavy midtempo EC arsenal of riffs kick in. Another of the heavier songs on the album but taking a more serious line lyrically and musically just as flashy and awesome as any other track. The chorus is a slow melodic burner that sweeps round your head with headphones. Labrie provides great backing vocals on this epic, atmospheric epic. The key in this song are especially out of this world and the song has a great uptempo section before settling back to the atmospheric magic. This song will grow on you like a bad rash.

12 - Rock N' Roll Children - The Dio cover is just great. They have Cursised it so to speak to make it more melodic and done a fabulous job.

13 - Never The Sinner (US Bonus). Oh dear! You US people are damn fucking lucky! This song is out of this world! They leave what is possible the best song on the whole album as a US bonus?? You fools EC! My Euro version won't have this masterpiece on it which is a shame but of course I will settle for the mp3. What a way to end the album. A huge chorus with again perfect backing vocals from Labrie. The chorus on this song sends sparks down my back as does the whole thing basically.

This is the best EC by far. I don't care if they can't reproduce this shit live to be honest. Go the studio! I am not certain but I think Power Quest might have a challenger for best album of the year so far. If you love melodies in your metal then what the fuck are you waiting for get this and pump it out on the glorious summer days to come and rock out!
I'm listening to Eden's Curse s/t album and I'm not sure why this band receives the praise that they do. The lead singer is flat out annoying to me! As far as the music is concerned, it's average at best. :zzz:

I'm listening to Eden's Curse s/t album and I'm not sure why this band receives the praise that they do. The lead singer is flat out annoying to me! As far as the music is concerned, it's average at best. :zzz:


The singer is indeed the weak link for me. His voice is too "smooth". When they cover Dio's Rock'N'Roll Children, it's even more apparent. That being said, he's still a good singer for those who enjoy that type of smooth vocals and it's basically his band I think, so we have to live with them. The music is excellent traditional melodic hard rock (bordering on metal at times) as far as I'm concerned.

BTW, maybe you should check out that new one cause I think it's their best one, much better than the s/t IMO.
I'm listening to Eden's Curse s/t album and I'm not sure why this band receives the praise that they do. The lead singer is flat out annoying to me! As far as the music is concerned, it's average at best. :zzz:


The singer does take some getting used to but I love that S/T album, I think the songwriting is some of the best out there in the melodic metal/hard rock style and the guitar work is excellent...
Is it just me or does everything James does aside from DT rule?

I personally wouldn't go that far, but I more or less share the sentiment. I loved him on The Human Equation, and in Frameshift's Unweaving the Rainbow. I haven't listened to his solo albums, so I don't know about those. I haven't liked his vocals in DT since Awake though. I think that outside of DT he just sounds much more natural, not so forced.

As far as that song went, that was pretty solid. I love the lyrical content and the video too. Will have to check these guys out.
I haven't listened to his solo albums, so I don't know about those.

Have a listen to his last solo outting-Static Impulse. Its a superb effort. I'm starting to wonder if he wouldn't be better off in a more melodic metal band setting. I'd love to hear him working with more hooks.

Im not so sure he fits the DT mould anymore, especially after strong output in his other projects.
The singer could benifit from learning some vibrato... I think this is a case of a lot of studio fixing and others singing backgrounds in the studio cause live he was flat... I still think the music on the first CD was the best...