new END OF GREEN album finished


vanquish the pain
Oct 5, 2001
ensamhetens vildmark
Mission accomplished, Sir
end of green have finished work at mastersound studio in fellbach. their new record dead end dreaming is due on august 22nd via silverdust records. The twelve songs turned out as melancholic sledgehammers par excellence with an impressive wall of sound. Eleven songs will make it to the new album.

"We are more than just satisfied with the sessions with
Alex, Tosso, Matze and Liv-Kristine. We're even thinking about moving in here. Maybe Liv and Alex' son Leon needs a pitcrew for his bobbycar."

end of green only need some time for recreation of some DVD evenings with hitmaster Krull. The boxset of Band Of Brothers, Lord Of The Rings Triology, Star Wars and World War II. Footage in TV paid their dues.

Singer Michelle Darkness explains: "At some point i started to have those strange dreams about all kind of battles. While fighting the two towers of fellbach next to the petrolstation in the nighbourhood our guitar player setzer even died."

Actually everybody is fine and dead and dreaming kicks some major ass.