new Ending Quest demo ;)


invariably off-topic
Feb 19, 2003
Stockholm, Sweden

my band Ending Quest finally finished our second demo "Vlad Tepes". And good news, no gay download links that disappear after one week. Go here:[2011] :)

End This Mortal World
Vlad Tepes
Butcherknife Encounter
Coffin Worm
Dark Immersion
Scream Bloody Gore (Death cover)
Born For Burning (Bathory cover)
And why not... not like I have stuff to do atm.

#1 End This Mortal World
Entombed influence like a brick to the skull, but with slightly thinner guitar sound. I approve though. Drums need more punch, but sweet riffing and growling.
The pause at ~2:10 is a bit.. off imo.

#2 Vlad Tepes
Feels much more structured and focused than #1 and makes for some sweet headbanging..... VLAD TEPEEEES!
Again very much Entombed

#3 Butcherknife Encounter
Has a bit more groove than the first two. Good, variety is nice.

#4 Coffin Worm
Props for the title. Lost me a bit at the end though.

#5 Dark Immersion
Sweet scream at the beginning. Less groove, more intense, more blasts in the first minute. Probably my favorite song of the demo, with the lead part at ~3:00 reminding me of the second bloodbath EP.

So yeah, my thoughts. Good listen, straight Death Metal ripped from a time where I probably wasn't even born.

I would wish for some real soloing though. Would be icing, so to speak.