New ESOTERIC is coming out in a few months


Nov 9, 2001
I wish I lived in the UK so I could audition for their band. They need members. :(

Also, I think they are currently unsigned. That to me is fucking ludicrous.

I'm thinking of maybe ordering some of their new CD in bulk and acting as a US distributor for them. Just because I love their music so damn much.
They definitely rule and I can't wait for the CD. A lot of people know about them, I think. Perhaps it's better for a band like them (who are fairly well-known but have limited appeal) to self-release everything though. That way they make all the money off their music. I bet they're a big enough deal that they can at least make back whatever they spend on each album - especially if they record themselves (for some reason, I think they do).
I hope it'll be a single cd...just to let me download everything more know, here cds are very expensive and I'll never found stuff like Esoteric.
southern lord would be a good label for them- they're all about the ultra doom, and don't really seem to be focused on commercial appeal. releasing a collection of grief 7" stuff is not exactly a money maker (though cool).