New European tour dates confirmed


Yes,they call me Aki too.
Jul 18, 2002
Helsinki, Finland
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A bunch of new EG tour dates are up on now.. personally I'm already really looking forward to seeing the MTV Headbanger's Ball/acoustic thing! Here's a copy/paste from the website:

"Here are finally some concert dates for some of you to look forward to.
ALL these dates are confirmed by us and if nothing extraordinary happens (even if luck lately has not been on our side) they will all go on as planned. So run, crawl or do whatever you see fit in order to get your tickets before the promoters get cold feet

Hope to see all of you and there will probably be some more dates added but don’t take that as a promise!

If anyone feels like they want to join as opening acts and have finances to support such a thing to there is still time even though we are right now sorting out a few bands. Send a mail and bio/anything else you feel is necessary to and you’ll get a fair chance. Last day for applications is July the 30th."

The confirmed Evergrey concert dates:
16th September - Bochum, Germany
17th September - Prague, Czech Republic
18th September - Budapest, Hungary
19th September - Sofia, Bulgaria
20th September - Bucharest, Romania
21st September - Larissa, Greece
22nd September - Athens, Greece (Acoustic / MTV Headbangers Ball)
22nd September - Athens, Greece
24th September - Cluj Napoca, Romania
26th September - Split, Hungary
27th September - Dudley, England
29th September - Milano, Italy
30th Sempteber - Collombey, Switzerland
1st October - Paris, France
2nd October - Colmar, France
3rd October - Charleroi, Belgium
4th October - Baarlo, Netherlands
5th October - Copenhagen, Denmark
9th October - Drammen, Norway
23rd October - Gothenburg, Sweden
I hope to see a tour in sweden to. I´ve seen Evergrey three times. The first two was nothing but magic but I was really disappointed last time I saw them. I need to see them again to get the last gig out of my head. They are after all the best band in the world and I never thought I could think anything they did was something less than extraordinary. A tour in sweden!!!!!
hahaaa, I cant wait to go and raise up high a large banner on which I will write: " WHERE IS MY F'KING T-SHITRT????"

Hahahaahaha can you do it for me too ?? :lol:

Because so far they are not coming anywhere near Quebec, Canada :cry:

Enjoy !! :kickass:
Off the Progpower EU forums:

We have published the time schedule, which of course is always subject to change. Once again we offer all the bands a decent playing time, Andromeda and Evergrey will play 2 hours and Mercenary 1 hour and 45 minutes. Besides this, Nahemah and Cloudscape will play 1 hour and 15 minutes and Seventh Wonder will play 1 hour and 10 minutes! So I guess we offer you some value for the money.

omgomg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!can't wait to see them in my hometown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cluj napoca is waiting for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!my dream will come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and they'll play on the same stage we played a month ago!supersupersuper!!!!I'll finally hear the best voice in metal....:D
As you may know Gothenburg is added to the tour at October 23. They will play on the upper floor at Sticky Fingers. Tickets will cost 180 kr (around 16€). I would love if they plan to play a gig similar to the ProgPower gig, that would be just fantastic! :rock:

See you there!
!!!! 19th September - Sofia, Bulgaria !!!!


Again you come here! Can't wait for this! :rock: