New Evarose video

wish i was the guy and the video being some porn! :lol:

sounds good man, can't hear anything bad about the mix/master!

Ewww, just finished watching it :D Damn you! :lol:
Seriously: I enjoy the music, I love your mix+master, and the video is very professional (and funny in the end), too. You winz.
They also acted pretty good imho, I hate music videos where people try to act and fail miserably.

(to clarify: I had to wait 30 minutes because of my crappy internet connection.. not what you think, hehe)
Nice mix man, good job :)
Damn, I would wife all those chicks in a heart beat
Haha, I actually have been listening to this band for awhile, even cooler that you mixed them! They are one of my few non-metal guilty pleasures. Nicely done on the mix/master!

Really? That's pretty cool! Good for them. There's nothing overly NEW in their music, but they are good performers and dannika is a KILLER singer
Really? That's pretty cool! Good for them. There's nothing overly NEW in their music, but they are good performers and dannika is a KILLER singer

Yeah I happened upon them on youtube one day by accident, her voice is pretty interesting, otherwise the music itself isn't anything terribly exciting. Plus I totally have a crush on their bass player. :D

It's always interesting to see the non-metal stuff people are mixing on here.
haha saw this video the day it was released. thanks to you this is also one of my guilty pleasures. i only put it on around my pop punk friends haha. this band is tits though for sure