New fan from Brazil




Hi there!!!!

I´m a big Brazilian fan of Enchant, actually I have all the CDs including the special ones.
The first time that I listened to an Enchant song was in 1999 and I guess that it was Acquaintance and I loved it.
All members of the band have their special part on the songs. Mainly Ted´s voice is so amazing that I can hear he singing for hours and hours a day. Doug influences me so much as a guitar player that I HAVE to thank him! Ed has some of the best bass lines ever, jazzy, sweet and precise. Great keys parts and FANTASTIC DRUMS!
That´s why I LOVE your music guys!

I have a Band here in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil called Tydra ( and besides our music we play OASIS from ABOTW album. As soon as we have it recorded I will send to you.

A couple of things more:
I couldn't buy your latest CD here in Brazil!!

Sorry I forgot the most important one: COME TO BRAZIL PLEASE!!


Welcome the MB

And thanks for the kind words and support

Hey not sure when we will be touring Brazil but maybe someday! We would love that!

We shall see how things go???
