New favorite track based on title


The Wallonian Redneck.
So what's your new favorite track going to be, based on epicness sounding name?

I still think no track title sounds as epic as Victorious March. Point being of the epicness, Johan sung it in German as well. I think this was intended as a tongue in cheek joke at the severe defeat the teutons faced against the mighty viking hordes. I could also say that the AA guys would agree with me but then I'd be too full of myself, and Oli would more than likely rebute my clever inuendo.

I was going to post a poll but just did not feel like having to copy and paste all these titles that certainly can't match any of the post 'Crusher' albums.
Funny thing is I believe AA has gone back to somewhat anti Christian songs (which haven't appeared in AA material I believe since Versus the World) with such song titles as "Slaves of Fear" (I'm guessing, a criticism of Christian doctrine?) and "Wrath of the Norsemen" (an obvious hint to "Thousand Years of Oppression"). I guess I'll just have to see.

Good to see they made the sequel to Loke's Treachery as well.

The most epic titles for me would be "War of the Gods", "Destroyer of the Universe" or "A Beast am I" (which reminds me of "Where Silent Gods Stand guard" lyrics). But I must say, I almost want to include all the new titles, except some few which don't carry any epicness.
Purely based on the Title I would go for War of the Gods (reminds me of Gods of War Arise which is the Track that got me into listening AA/Death Metal) or Wrath of the Norsemen. Slaves of Fear and Destroyer of the Universe sound pretty decent as well.

Including the track by track review I think the Tracks which fit my likings the most should be 1,2,6,7,8 and 10. The melodic, epic not so fast paced stuff. But what the hell...I haven't even heard a single note of the album and on the other hand we all know that most likely all tracks will kick some serious ass :lol:
It was awesome, they played some new ones, and I heard all the classics I wanted to hear. I could have done w/o the opening bands but that's the mug. Only Promethean Hordes has really stepped up their music and was in my top fav with Tyr. The rest was more the angry metalcore that I can only listen to for a few minutes.