New FFaF Song Idea "Idle Hands"! New Mix!


FFaF Guitarist/Producer
Oct 2, 2009
Washington DC
Howdy folks,

A lot of you have been asking WTF is up with Friend For A Foe and since we've been rather quiet, thought I would post up a song idea (essentially a full track!) to tide you guys over. Don't worry, FFaF is still in full swing of things, but getting everyone in the same room has been a nightmare because of my work schedule. We should have an actual update for you guys soon (for reals this time!) so sit tight!

I've been traveling a lot for work and hadn't gotten to actually sit and write anything new with our other guitarist in weeks. What you hear is the combination of not writing in about a month and squeezing all that potential in a four hour or so time period. I swear my better half and I have too many riff ideas in our heads that compliment each other in an eerie way lol (possibly a third guitarist in the future! More news soon)

Also I've spent a lot of time on the mix doing some new techniques and using some new plug-ins (mainly Izotope's Ozone 4) so hopefully you guys like it and let me know what you think! It's definitely a lot ballsier, grittier, yet cleaner :D

You can find the song idea "Idle Hands" ONLY at
