New film clip featuring our vocalist


Oct 15, 2008
Brisbane CBD
Our vocalist CJ did some guest vocals for our friends band Resist the Thought. He appears from about 1:15. Clip looks pretty slick.

And for anyone who hasn't heard us, hopefully we'll have a clip for this song sometime this year. If we can come to an agreement which track we're gonna do.

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glad that I am not the only one who got reminded of bdm :D
really digging the shots where the waves are crashing against the rocks.

and your singer looks like a maniac :D
Am I the only person constantly cringing at bands playing in nature without cables, mics, P.A.?

It's been a pet peeve of mine since Richie Sambora played the "Bed Of Roses" solo on a huge mountain ... :D

Other than that, I think the video is well done. I like the Bodycam shot the most ...
Am I the only person constantly cringing at bands playing in nature without cables, mics, P.A.?.

Am I the only person cringing at most film clips, period? They're fucking embarrassingly stupid.

It's just a poo premise to begin with. For eg. if they mic'd them up etc do you want a shot of the generator out the back in there aswell? lol

Fucking hell man... Parkway Drive have a vid where they're playing at the beach then get in the waves and shit. WHO IN THE FUCK THINKS SHIT LIKE THAT IS A GOOD IDEA?!

I really can't take cunts seriously once I see them carrying on for a camera like that and actually taking themselves the slightest bit serious. If you wanna be an actor go be an actor, fucking....ugh
Yeah it's pretty simple fellas, if 'someone' takes themselves seriously doing something that I find almost offensively moronic, then you I can't take them seriously as a musician/artist.

Tough concept I know. Good luck with it.

EDIT: It's not like I care if anyone agrees with me or should care what I think. Just a vent. Didn't want to derail thread, apologies.
Obviously there is a market for the imagery that goes along with genres, but I'm not part of it. And what I'm just saying is it alienates me from it because I find it so distasteful. Just ignore me.. put it down to me becoming a cranky old fudy dudy
Benny H's post was serious, yet he can't take serious people serious.


EDIT: BTW the clip is really well shot, I like the shots where the camera moves with the band member but uses tracking to keep them centred and in focus.
They had me until the 100 breakdown, otherwise it's pretty sweet.

At least they didn't have overused film saturation effects over 99% of it or some cringey side story part that. Every time a band uses that it just makes it look a high school film class project.

Aren't music videos a bit redundant now a days anyway? Nobody except 14- year old Black Veil Brides fans watched music television over here, and most people will only watch a music video on YouTube once tops.