New Fleshgod apocalypse song

I know....

I heard this at work today and nearly nutted all over my office. Absolutely fucking incredibly without a doubt the fastest gnarliest tit licking son of mary and joseph aids fest of a song i have ever heard. I cannot WAIT to see them at summer slaughter. Its gonna be insane
Holy crushed waveforms batman.

That said, I'm still trying to work out how to mix orchestras properly into metal. It is a BITCH to say the least. This sounds fucking excellent, who worked on it?

Edit; additional listening made me notice the epic case of studio magic on the singing - I think the singing in fleshgod sounds incredible on tape but for fucks sake, if you can't do it live, don't do it at all.

Fleshgod were always an entertaining, if extremely gimmicky, band.

This, however, is just terrible, terrible death metal.
I have no doubt that this will make them very popular though,
we all know how much metalheads love to show how much metal and "classical"* have in common.

*And by classical I mean orchestral instrumentation.
^ I'm curious and being serious ...

what actually makes this "terrible" death metal?

I find it to be fucking brutal, fast, dark, evil with a high caliber of musicianship and just enough melody to catch your ear and make the heavy shit that much more intense sounding ...

if that ain't good death metal, I'm fucked
^ I'm curious and being serious ...

what actually makes this "terrible" death metal?

I find it to be fucking brutal, fast, dark, evil with a high caliber of musicianship and just enough melody to catch your ear and make the heavy shit that much more intense sounding ...

if that ain't good death metal, I'm fucked

+1 If this is 'terrible' death metal, then fuck it, I'll roll with it.
I don't know why everybody in the last week went crazy for Fleshgod Apocalypse...moreover on this forum.
They deserve for sure a contract with nuclear blast for what they did...lot of concerts, lot of activities,etc... but c'mon...this album sucks very hard!
The mix is really really horrible...drums apart, where you can't undestand if it was written/bad written/bad played...BUT the orchestra covers everything on that mix....and what about those shitty out of tune clean vocals????
I know they wrote the orchestra as the first thing and all the instruments do only the dominant note of the orchestra....and they want the orchestra over everything because this way they don't sound like other death metal bands...but they could do the same thing doing it better in my opinion.
The video location is really cool but the story is very lame...pretty non sense. Initially the video was 70% story and 30% band playing...but they didn't like as they looked so they trashed lot of story. So now it's a video where you understand nothing of what they do.