New FREE "Mix Ready" IRs


Old dude
Sep 7, 2010
I've been making IRs for a while but pretty crappy ones, no inspiration other than cloning weird things in Pro Tools that aren't in other DAWs and stuff. This time I decided to make some that are "Mix Ready" as far as what I do with a lot of them. Running vintage console EQs, bussing through SSL channels, etc. When I test them out, I shut off everything and get the same sound. Saves time & resources. They must be of some use to some of you, so here they are:

This isn't me playing, but since I was playing with these DIs, I thought these were decent enough to work with.

"Godzilla Cab"

4 tracks, three are TSEx50, on on the left side is Nick Crowe 8505. I find these plugins to be almost perfect without turning any knobs. All this stuff is free btw.

This set has a lot more variations and dynamics. They are derived from trying to copy a lot of Axe FX sounds like Mark Day's Flying High Again sound, using a lot of the same stuff, but without the need to take the impulses and use a bunch of waves plugins & EQs to get the sounds. There's some Metallica/Dream Theater ones, I can't remember which is which but what I do like is they are all completely different sounding yet work well together so should work with a bunch of different plugins, tube preamps, etc.


This set has some good bass impulses for bass DI, and tons of stuff going on like SSL EQs and stuff. Heard some decent samples from kids out there playing with them already, but just made them to save me time & resources. Really happy with the bass, as that always takes several tracks and tons of tweaking to get & I was just tired of that process lol


Here's someone testing the BIOCab impulses:

Let me know what you like out of these & with what amps, thanks.
I think I did up the gain and get a more compressed sound out of the x50, but the 8505 was untouched. There's not much you need to do, you could just use the plugins without changing anything really. The Mothra cab is a lot "lighter" as in it's more like a normal impulse with some brightness.

Actually, on the left side the 8505 and x50 are all untouched except the post gain on the x50 because of my OCD to have everything at 12 o'clock lol
Godzilla Cab w/TSEx50(left) + Nick Crowe 8505(right)

Did some post EQ on the 8505 sound but nothing else but using the plugins with the Godzilla cabinet and panning (just two tracks).

*Not me playing, just some DIs from here.
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YW. I'm liking the Godzilla Cab pretty much as my goto impulse now out of the whole thing. I tried a different technique where I put the test tone on four different tracks with different cabinets and things and seems to be the most drag/drop/done sound for me.

I did this reamp real quick just by using the default TSEx50 settings & that impulse. I did color the tracks with SSL compression and things (getting that middle track to gel made me have to compress the others a bit), later in the song I automated the amps to see how it would sound with more gain but the beginning is pretty much what you get with no knob turning at all.

*Not my playing, there's a thread here for DIs.
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I might tweak the new lead guitar cabinet further so it cuts through a little better like after EQing, but right now it's called "Billy Cab" Kind of has a cool sound for Rockabilly, didn't think it'd work with this stuff but it's just right with a little EQ. The goal was to get it to cut through better but not all crazy like a bad EQ. I went back to a project where I extremely EQ'd someone's DI and it was cool sounding like a completely different guitar like WAY different, but sounded like it was meant to be like that. Had that Brian Setzer tone. Anyway:

"Billy Cab"

I wish I could make that boost happen more at the DI stage, but that's impossible but it helped make for something different to play with anyway.

I also blended in a few rhythms with NC8505 & Lecto so not the perfect sounding quad tracked rhythm btw, but that's how this song was (and another high five to the person that posted this one, damn good playing).

Here's a couple of the amp sims, bass sim, and some tubescreamers & tubedriver if you can't find all these. I'm not using any ODs or anything any more with the Nick Crowe stuff & my impulses but always good to have those on standby. I had to have someone help me get TSEx50 because the site is blocked from my ISP for some weird reason, otherwise I wouldn't repack them.
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Here's using the Godzilla Cabs on rhythms & Mothra on leads. More IRs on the way, the newest ones are an attempt to tone match Vanden Plas' Far Off Grace sound (the original 1999 sound, not the special editions). I want to do a few more passes riding the levels on the test tone so I have one that's more "mix ready." From the feedback, the "mix ready" stuff is a blast to play through (I know it kind of sounds more like the amp than the mic'd amp so at least something to jam on live, the new ones have some air so there will be both kinds of impulses.

Here's the newest "Cabzilla Experiment" impulses without any automation (the "right" way):
(Recommended for left guitar)
(Recommended for right guitar)

No audio demo of them just yet but huge difference trust me.
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Here's the newest "Cabzilla Experiment" impulses without any automation (the "right" way):

These demos sound great... btw, what amp sim are you using on these ones with 'no automation'? I'm guessing either the 8505 or the TSE X50..?