New Freedom Call Album


Cutthroat Crusader
Sep 1, 2004
Hi everybody out there!
I have some good news for all Freedom Call fans and those who join in in the future!
Right after the successful European tour with Rage in March and April the band went into the studio again to write new songs for a new Freedom Call album. The songwriting is almost finished. In October we start with the drumrecordings taking place in Hannover. The recordings of the whole album should be finished by the end of December. Tommy Newton is doing the final mix in January. The release will probably be in April/May 2007.
The working title of the album is called "Dimensions"! Please let us know your opinion about this title!

There will be 11 songs on "Dimensions", style-wise closer to the "Eternity" album, that means less experiments and many fast and melodic speed hymns!

Here are some working titles: Mr. Evil, Far Away, Mission Divine, Firestorm, Dimensions, Blackened Sun, Power, Starborn, Ride the universe, Heaven is Hell, Castaway

Cheerz Daniel

Those are certianly some very sci-fi sounding names, and with "less experiments" and "style-wise closer to Eternity," it sounds like this is going to be an awesome addition to the Freedom Call family :D
I wish it was style-wise closer to Crystal Empire since that was my favourite :D Still I'm not complaing it'll be highly anticipated by myself
Tonberry said:
Hey, they already stole "Hunting High And Low" from Stratovarius! I guess they can't help steal song names from bands they love, am I right? :lol:

Not to mention "Circle of Life", "Carry On", "Mother Earth"...

That album used a lot of song names from other bands...still great fun to listen to though!