New gangbang style video

EffigyForgotten thank you. how did you do that? i have been searched a forum for a while for that, but didnt find any solution
url of the video looks like hyperlink, like in first post of this topic. also tried commonly used [VIDEO] and [/youtube] , but with no success

copied and pasted html code from youtube page also didnt work
url of the video looks like hyperlink, like in first post of this topic. also tried commonly used [VIDEO] and [/youtube] , but with no success

copied and pasted html code from youtube page also didnt work

You copy the link from here and just copy right into here, don't use the "insert link" or "insert image"


hm....early i try exactly the same thing - it doesnt work, but now its working))

anyway, thanks for advice EffigyForgotten
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