New GATES OF SLUMBER track for ya'll

I've heard three songs from the new Gates of Slumber is this is the only one I've liked, at all. And even this tune doesn't do a huge amount for me. I prefer the hymns from "Conqueror" and "Hymns of Blood and Thunder". More muscle, less plodding. We'll see how the rest of it turns out, though

I have to say that I find that cover art very appealing though. Awesome work
it will be on hipsters top 10 of 2011 not most peoples.

TGOS makes more than just the PITCHFORK and DECIBEL lists, though they have certainly tapped into that market. So have many other bands (including ones you fellatiate as well), so not sure your point.

Yep, they have a hipster following but they have actually perfected blending traditional doom, trad metal, and classic hard rock better than anyone, IMHO.
I prefer the hymns from "Conqueror" and "Hymns of Blood and Thunder". More muscle, less plodding. We'll see how the rest of it turns out, though

Conqueror is may fav full length of theirs with ease.
I love them all, but that's where they really came into their own sound.

Hymns was good too, though they wrote that one REALLY quick. That came out pretty much within 18 months of Conqueror, and most of those months inbetween were on the road. Good album, but they could have spent more time making more memorable and epic tracks.

I am liking what I am hearing so far of The Wretch.
I love Decibel like I love peanut butter and chocolate (which is quite alot), but they are sometimes so pretentious I have to stop reading them for at least a week (which ironically happens when I have more than 2 Reese's in one day). Their review of the new Haunted was one of the dumbest things I ever read.
TGOS makes more than just the PITCHFORK and DECIBEL lists, though they have certainly tapped into that market. So have many other bands (including ones you fellatiate as well), so not sure your point.

Yep, they have a hipster following but they have actually perfected blending traditional doom, trad metal, and classic hard rock better than anyone, IMHO.

you pompously put that THEY WILL be on most Top 10 list next year. Sure people like them, I thought the disc I have was a little dull. They definetley tapped into a bunch of different markets which is good and it hasnt effected thier music but there are far better releases coming out this year that will overshadow this one. sorry.

sorry...I dont fellatiate to any band or person. If it is a band I like I like yourself you give them good word of mouth. It seems that your panties are all in an uproar that I know people from bands that you dont and maybe that bothers you. Kind of off but you seem to bring it up constantly. There are bands and people I respect for ethics in the music business and that is pretty much it.
It seems that your panties are all in an uproar that I know people from bands that you dont and maybe that bothers you. Kind of off but you seem to bring it up constantly. There are bands and people I respect for ethics in the music business and that is pretty much it.

Not at all. Just saying that you like many bands that have fallen under the "hipster" umbrella (IE - Agalloch, Nachtmystium, even Ghost, etc), yet you seem to be hating on TGOS for falling under the umbrella.

Their last one was on almost every major top 10, and I, like you, found it to be their most dull work to date. So yea, there is some personal bias there, but I also think it is on so many people's radar that it will end up on a lot of top 10 lists.

Now the new TROUBLE??????????????? THAT remains to be seen! :lol:
I haven't noticed any hipster presence at the couple of Gates shows I've seen. Is this changing?

Yeah, lots of hipsters at all the Chicago shows I have seen, though these have been gigs like Alehorn, the Pentagram tour, and a show with Bible of the Devil. They also tour with a lot of bands under that umbrella like Zoroaster, etc.

Doesn't bother me one bit. More popularity will mean more touring and label support for them to keep doing what they are doing.

If the quality of the tunes drops, then that's a different story.
Yeah, lots of hipsters at all the Chicago shows I have seen, though these have been gigs like Alehorn, the Pentagram tour, and a show with Bible of the Devil. They also tour with a lot of bands under that umbrella like Zoroaster, etc.

Doesn't bother me one bit. More popularity will mean more touring and label support for them to keep doing what they are doing.

If the quality of the tunes drops, then that's a different story.

What the hell? When did ZOROASTER turn into a hipster band? I've seen that band probably 15-20 times over the years since they first released their demo and there's nothing hipster about them.
I love Decibel like I love peanut butter and chocolate (which is quite alot), but they are sometimes so pretentious I have to stop reading them for at least a week (which ironically happens when I have more than 2 Reese's in one day). Their review of the new Haunted was one of the dumbest things I ever read.

is the new album from The Haunted any good? The song I heard reminded me of Five Finger Death Punch.
GoS is doing a few dates with Orange Goblin this summer. Don't care a bit about Orange Goblin, but quite excited to see the mighty Gates. I missed the show they did here with Pentagram about a year back, so it's a makeup for me.
What the hell? When did ZOROASTER turn into a hipster band? I've seen that band probably 15-20 times over the years since they first released their demo and there's nothing hipster about them.

All the sludge stuff fits into the hipster scene these days, at least in Chicago.
A band like Zoroaster always hits up the hipster areas (primarily wicker park).

Not saying that musicially they are 100% hipster, but that stuff is in that scene.

I certainly suppose that can differ scene to scene.

As I said with TGOS, who gives a shit anyhow? If YOU like them, then that's all that should matter.