New Gibson robot-guitar

I think it's amazing!!!
Look at the videos, it is like: "Fuck you Fender" ahahha a lot of references to Fender
See the Psycho video, the guy dies because of the fender logo tatooed on his hand lol
I was thinking that if something goes wrong , let's say you got 10-52 strings and tune to C, if the guitar starts to tune itself to something like E flat and you can't stop it you'll see your guitar bend to herself and break the neck ahhaha
I think we'll have a lot of guitars saying "Resistance is futile" lol

if you're into start trek you'll get that quote!
* SPAM* If anyone in the UK wants one, hit me up. My company is getting the first few in the UK in 3 weeks. It's basically a Les Paul studio that tunes itself and tells you how to set intonation perfectly and it only costs £1199!! (For you US folk who might be shocked by the price, the LP Std is £1399) *SPAM*
What kind of dipshit needs that much help? Nothing will scream "I'm a pathetic douchebag!" quite like being on stage with this thing.:puke:
Me and the guitarist in Clawfinger have been betatesting the Tronical system on various Gibsons. I have a SG with it and the tuning is....perfect. I mean PERFECT, down to 0.2 cent with the slowest/most accurate settings. Live I'm not too excited, but in the studio... holy sh*t!
It certainly has its good points. Multi-tunings within a live set with the one guitar. Who likes to tune anyway? Faster tunes between takes?