New Groovy Mephesto 7 string Herbert madness, this ones a bit proggier ...


New Metal Member
Jul 31, 2006
Bournemouth, UK
Is proggy a word? It is now...

I havent written anything in a few weeks as ive been doing more painting, so i thought i should have a sit down and jam something new out. Im still practicing writing drums over guitar parts rather than the other way around, so the drums are pretty basic, but i have a drummer buddy who will help me jazz them up later. As usual, its all herbert, but ive been playing with some wierd settings in an effort to make things tighter and more defined when playing cool chords. Right now, i have the bass almost totally scooped on my TC pedal, but dimed (almost) on the amp, its still not perfect, but im digging the effect it gives. I have a bit for before this riff, but ive spent all afternoon recording and havent eaten a thing, so ill start it tonight but cant be arsed to do anymore right now.


Let me know what you think of the mix and tone and shizzle

i think the tone is good, the guitars could be a little louder though.

Im always wary of making the guitars too high in the mix, as a guitarist im always prone to do it, but it might be becuase i used a little sonic maximiser on the master buss to make it a little deeper sounding (only one 1 or 2 on either dial)

