New Guns N Roses???


Mar 1, 2004
A friend played me a copy of the supposed new disc .Its not the semi demo-ish version thats been floating around for awhile,but a 46 minute disc which sounds mixed and ready for release to me. But,as I was saying....

Has anybody heard the new GnR disc? It doesn't compare to anything from the past. The drums are all industrial sounding and when Axl wails it almost sounds like he's whining,its overall very mediocre. Some of the solo's are ripping,I'm assuming Ron Thal but its not something that should have taken 15 years.

Given the discs that followed Appetite for Destruction were barely worthwhile, I wouldn't expect a disc released 21 years after to possess any of the same qualities. Similar to Metallica's next release, I won't even bother to listen to the MP3s when they eventually leak.

crap. crap in a bucket.


Was it an omen... :loco:
How can Axl even call whatever it is he ultimately releases GUNS N ROSES? Sorry, but if you are going to go THAT long with a completely new lineup, you should not taint the namesake of your previous band. I think people might absorb it more, if it was released as simply AXL ROSE, or the AXL ROSE BAND, or the BAD HAIR (EXTENSIONS) DAY.
Well, he does have a more talented lineup now than he ever had back in the day (considering every guitarist since Slash has been far more talented than Slash).

I think its fine using the name. Its how he's going to tour (for obvious reasons), so it would be stupid to change it.
Lets compare Slash's Snakepit to what Bumblefoot and Buckethead have put out in their solo albums (nonetheless Buckethead's with Praxis). Slash falls short. Both guys have put out more innovative, technical, and just better music.

I don't know anything about how Robin Finck plays though. Perhaps Slash is better than him.
Thats your opinion mean old man! LOL I love Slash and no one can change that opinion. Slash is by far better than the other guys combined. Sorry to burst your bubble.
It doesn't matter to me what you think Slash "Can do or can't do". He was in my top 5 guitarists since 1988 so lets just drop it
Arguing over guitarists who are more about style than technique, is a conversation destined for no where. It's all about what blows your skirt up. If someone thinks Slash is the shit, so be it.

Too much drama. Not sure how anyone could care, unless you were such a monster G&R fan I suppose.

I could not care any less. But, there is a dude I work with that would buy into anything that Axle does regardless of what it is. Does anyone remember when Adam Sandler did Axle Rose on SNL and Skid Row was on there and they did a commercial for Axle Rose and Sebastian Bach sing nursery rimes or ABC’S or something? Well this dude would buy that.

Someone find that video………………….