new guy


Empathic Resonator
Aug 21, 2004
Hamilton, Ontario
So yeah, hey folks. I'm new. I don't want to be wallflowery so instead I'm starting a thread about incidents wherein "music has (almost?) gotten you you into car accident due to innattentiveness caused by awesomeness of music." If you don't drive, then maybe "music that has made you walk into a street lamp due to innattentiveness", etc.

I'll start. Today I blanked on a stop sign while listening to Morphine and nearly got side-swiped.

I can't be the only one who has done something like that.

Oh, and Kayo Dot isn't REALLY going to make me drive all the way from Niagara to Columbus (7 bleeding hours) to see them, are they? Canada is nice. Come visit us, we are the Europe of North America. We have excellent health coverage (you are jealous).
Dear Sandfire:
you will find that xfer is a keen canadianophile.

also, the US will never have universal healthcare until we wriggle our collective proletariat out from under the jackboots of corporate oppression.

despite my and another guy's entreaties, columbus remains an unresponsive wasteland. I'm convinced there's an audience for KD here, but its leaping past the entrenched cognoscenti that is proving troublesome.
I consider this thread a modest success!

Lizard, I feel likewise about the Niagara region. There are definitely people here who really like Kayo Dot and just don't know it yet. I don't know how much "buzz" (I can't think of a non-industry word to use here) they have in Canada, but I'm sure a well-promoted show in Toronto, maybe Hamilton, would turn a few heads.

Just to let you all know, we, as a nation, are currently in screamo lockdown due to the runaway (at least by Canadian standards) success of a band of local chaps going by the name Alexisonfire.
I consider this thread a modest success!

My dear Chigger,

You let us be the judge of this. No sputtering, no protest. Clear?

You'll thank me now, you'll thank me later...

- The Idea Professor

First time I heard Tool - The Grudge I went blind for about 3 seconds at that massive ending and almost hit a vehicle in an intersection.