New Halford CD.. Thoughts? Opinions?

Freddy Krueger

The Dream Child
Jun 24, 2002
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I just purchased " Crucible " two days ago, and let me tell you I'm nothing short of amazed.. It's pure Halford, the way we experienced him on the previous album Resurrection. From the title track, to Handing out Bullets, to Golgotha.. There's not a song on this album that dissapoints. It's heavy, it's hard, It's Halford as we know him best.. I've caught a lot of reviews saying this album is a dissapointment, and nothing as groundbreaking as Resurrection. .. Well, NO SHIT. That was Halfords first solo release, of course it's going to be the best out of what will come for awhile.. He had his whole heart in that CD, singing about his troubles making it to that point.. Now he's settled in, and just wanting to make some damn good music. It's classic Rob, and should be checked out by any good metal fan. Enjoy kids.
FIfteen tracks.. One of them is an intro, it doesn't drag on IMO.. Well, SHE the fourtheenth track.. Actually does seem like it didn't need to be added ( Funny, they added it right before completing the record.. It wasn't originally going to be there ) Otherwise it's a damn fine CD.
Gosh - this could be a download for me. I have yet to see a review for the album that doesn't completely trash it to bits...
Originally posted by Freddy Krueger
I just purchased " Crucible " two days ago, and let me tell you I'm nothing short of amazed.. It's pure Halford, the way we experienced him on the previous album Resurrection. From the title track, to Handing out Bullets, to Golgotha.. There's not a song on this album that dissapoints. It's heavy, it's hard, It's Halford as we know him best.. I've caught a lot of reviews saying this album is a dissapointment, and nothing as groundbreaking as Resurrection. .. Well, NO SHIT. That was Halfords first solo release, of course it's going to be the best out of what will come for awhile.. He had his whole heart in that CD, singing about his troubles making it to that point.. Now he's settled in, and just wanting to make some damn good music. It's classic Rob, and should be checked out by any good metal fan. Enjoy kids.

Although I agree that it is a very good album, I disagree that it is "the way we experienced him on the previous..." This album has more of a heavier and slightly chunkier sound than Resurrection. More of a Fight influence. Still damn good though!

The Blood Feaster
It's a good album.
Although there is a Korn influence in Heretic track. And Fugitive has the Metallica feel to it.
The two bonus jap tracks - In The Morning and Rock The World Forever would have to be the worst I have ever heard from Halford band.