New heavy mix, critics please!

Really powerful mix. Don't know why, but I thought of Like Moths to Flames; then listened to "You Won't Be Missed" and thought you should have mixed their album. The only negative feedback I have is that I felt the cymbals did not blend into the mix as well as they could have. It sounds like there is too much EQ on the high end, and when when different cymbals were played in succession, it was just a bunch of fuzz. Maybe try wider panning if you're going to keep the high end at where its at. Either way, the rest sounds sick.
I agree with Cephara that something with the cymbals doesn't sound right. Sounds too washy to me, maybe the overheads are too compressed? Also, the guitars are a bit loud for my taste. I felt it took away from the impact of the drums slightly, but that's just a preference. Overall I thought it was a very very solid mix, i'm just pointing out some nitpicky things.
I definitely like this mix more. I feel the guitars and drums sit much better together in the mix. The cymbals still sound a little off to me. Volume wise I think they are fine, but they still sound hissy and feel like they lack a little impact. Not sure if it's just too much high end on the EQ or compression. Are you compressing the overheads? If so, maybe dialing back the attack a little so the cymbals have a little more crack. Honestly though the mix sounds awesome and I'm only pointing these things out because I'm being hyper critical to give some feedback �� It's seriously a great mix overall. Keep it up man!