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New Metal Member
Sep 22, 2002
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hey, whats up?

i'm new to the forum, but i've known and like maudlin of the well ever since greg sold me the "my fruit psychobells" cd. i knew him from the ngw camp in connecticut. he was one of my teachers there 2 summers ago. i guess that would be 2000. i was the drummer for one of his ensemble classes. we played some pantera and metallica. yeah, back in the day when i sucked ass on the kit =P

yeah, so thats how i know the band...i showed the cd to my drum teacher and he likes it a lot as well. i gtg now...see ya

no i think i remember that ensemble from that summer's teaching so i am doubtful anyone using a fake account would know that much information. Anyway whats up man? Thanks for stopping in and I am glad you liked the cd!

My enembles at the NGW always made me proud except technically I believe it was Zack's ensemble that did the Pantera/Metallica medley right? I just helped out. :)

actually zander, its not a fake greg says =P

and yeah, it was zack's but you were there too.
how is zack these days? he still in sweden? you guys keep in touch at all?

well, back to studyin for ap chem test...blecch
