New here.


Power Level = OVER 9000!
Aug 15, 2011
Baltimore, MD
Hello guys, my name is Amanda, I'm new here, and I figured I'd make an introduction. I listen to pretty much any kind of music. I have been listening to some metal for some time now and when I stumbled across this forum I figured I'd join. Punk is really my main genre, but I still like Metal a lot and listen to mainly heavy metal,thrash, power, and prog. I listen to some death, but not really as often as the others. Some of my favorite metal bands include Theocracy, Keldian, Children of Bodom, Skeletonwitch, Municipal Waste, Amon Amarth, Myrath, Venom, Vader, The Sword, Toxic Holocaust, Kamelot, and Dream Theater. Nice to meet you guys and I hope to contibute as much as I can. :)