new hypocrisy album.

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eternal soul torture
Jan 22, 2004
shawinigan, quebec, canada
I don't know if anybody heard this album called "virus" but I just heard it and I think this album is great and it's maybe their best. nU-metal elements are gone and the album is really heavier and in your face which is a big surprise for me because I thought this band was going downhill and more commercial and I wasn't expecting anything at all. There are no bad songs on it (imo).

This album is my farovite metal album of the year by now and I think it's gonna be big. It's also better than what he did on nightmare made flesh.

Did anybody hear it and what do you think?
^ scorpian, how the hell is it possible to listen to so many tracks in a week? wtf? Do you keep an mp3 player open playing shit even when you arn't there or something?
This is shocking, you don't usually see bands that are going down hill take thier music in a good direction. Maybe doing vocals for Bloodbath made Peter realize his true potential (again).
Dhalaren said:
This is shocking, you don't usually see bands that are going down hill take thier music in a good direction. Maybe doing vocals for Bloodbath made Peter realize his true potential (again).

Maybe because he sounds really more inspired and confident on this one. I liked their previous works but I thought their were many weak songs here and there but i think it is not the case this time. I still can't tell which song is my favorite cause I like them all and I still didn't see negative reviews.
I hear nothing but good things about this record, which is great. I still don't get where the "nu-metal" was in the previous album(s).
Awesome album. I only started to get into Hypocrisy a little over a year ago, but they've certainly become one of my favorite bands. I had high hopes for this album and it exceeded those hopes. I really like The Arrival, but there are a couple songs I can't really get into. This album doesn't have any weak tracks at all. From start to finish, this is one of their best albums. This will easily be in my Top 5 at the end of the year.
I haven't heard the whole album yet, but so far it's one of their least best along with "The Arrival." The Arrival was overrated and kinda boring...The Fouth Dimension to Into the Abyss were just classic with that line-up. Catch 22, even though it was kinda nu metal somewhat, had some pretty good songs...and I think most Hypocrisy fans probably secretly like that record. I thought it was better than the Arrival. I'll listen to this new one more, but so far it just isn't anything too new, and it sounds kinda safe and some what generic. It needs more passion.

For anyone just hearing Hypocrisy for the first time buy/download their Self-titled. That one is fantastic.
Great album. I was really surprised when Warpath started. Wow, this is heavy stuff. I hoped that they are going to release heavy album but I was expecting The Arrival like album. Virus sounds much more like their older albums which is great. Catch 22 was quite bad album and The Arrival was average. I think Horgh (their drummer) is one reason why this album is heavy and death metallish and another maybe that Pain released new album in January and every Pain influences are gone from Hypocrisy album.
Every song in this album are good or great.
Pseud0 said:
^ scorpian, how the hell is it possible to listen to so many tracks in a week? wtf? Do you keep an mp3 player open playing shit even when you arn't there or something?

I usually have music on while I sleep.
so you guys think that just because this album isn't "nu metal" which Hypocrisy really never travelled much into (come on, you all know you like Catch 22), that this CD is good? It's metal yeah...but it's so boring and safe. I'm listening to "A thousand lies" which is the best song so far, and it isn't even that special. Anyone who says this is their best clearly has given The Final Chapter, self-titled or Abducted enough listens.
Dreadful said:
so you guys think that just because this album isn't "nu metal" which Hypocrisy really never travelled much into (come on, you all know you like Catch 22), that this CD is good? It's metal yeah...but it's so boring and safe. I'm listening to "A thousand lies" which is the best song so far, and it isn't even that special. Anyone who says this is their best clearly has given The Final Chapter, self-titled or Abducted enough listens.


much like many bands these days...hypocrisy needs to learn that there IS too much of a good thing sometimes.