new idea and sound...opinion please

Try to work on you drum programming. It sounds really confusing and sloppy and isn't working together with the guitars . I see what you want to do and I'm really into the same stuff you listen to (in fact your topfriends are all some of my favourite bands) Try to make your songs "headbangable". It's really hard to shake my head to your song.

The sound is on the muffled side. It lacks some highs IMO and the guitars are way too scooped. Try to give them back some mids. Do you got a high/lowpass filter on the guitars? If not - do it :) Gives some clarity.

Give some room for the kickdrum. It also has a lot of low end which could be another point your mix sounds muddy. It could use some more clickyness in my opinion. Are you using any samples like slates or any from this forum?

Try uploading your songs to a better place like soundclick or upload your songs to some kind of server in high quality - myspace player does a lot of compression.