New Ihsahn song - 8 string content


Grrrr!!! (I'm a bear)
Mar 7, 2009
36 has a new Ihsahn song up from his new album coming out in 2010 mixed Jens Bogren.

"Frozen Lakes On Mars"

I love everything this man does - really looking forward to this album.

I'm really glad to hear that he retained the overall feel from the last 2 albums, I was a little worried about the whole 8-string thing lol. It seems like it solved most of the issues with everything sounding too thin, I can't wait to hear the rest.
Great song, great production, but he's helping me avoid the temptation to get an 8 string - it's really hard to make room for a bass with guitars this low, yet it feels like it's missing bass... which is pretty much the issue I've heard with anything done on an 8 string, however with Jens Bogren producing, given his skills, this means these kinds of issues are unavoidable to some extent.
Fuck yeah, I'm loving this track, cannot wait for the full album to come up.
Sounds pretty good,

but am i the only one who thinks this stuff is pretty poor compared to his work in Emperor???
sounds like it could have come from any scandinavian shred-kid, not the man who brought us Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk.

Well, Trym and Samoth contributed much too ;) Judging from the MetalKult video interview, they pretty much wrote all songs together, except for Prometheus, which Ihsahn did pretty much solo.

Nonetheless the difference in quality and originality is quite a bit bigger than I had hoped :erk:. There's probably another audience for this stuff and fortunately we can still just listen to the old Emperor albums. Still I cannot help but feel let down by one of my teenage heroes :lol:.