New In Flames is weak??

White Rabbit

Sep 4, 2001
cerebral cortex
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A lot of people have been trashing this album. I don't know, I heard a few songs off it and it wasn't bad at all!! I always expect a band to take on a different sound with each new album and I was pleasantly surprised to hear how well this one turned out. ...despite the shit reviews.
I'll wait until I hear the whole album though until I come to any solid conclusions about it.
I've had it for a few weeks- yes a few tracks are good- but most are bland and a waste of time, too bad I liked the direction of Clayman too.
i only got Whoracle and jester race, I'll probably get the first album next, then clayman, the new one and colony last.
are generic, i can't see how you can sit back and listen to them/....
NoLordy likes the new In Flames, ESP. the cover design*, Creeping Jesus!!**

*I don't like their new logo, though.
**Spank you, ledmag
Originally posted by deathstrike from hell
hmmmm new inflames is weak? i never knew they were heavy to begin with hahaha
guess you havent heard ANY in flames huh dipfuck? SHADUP. reroute to remain is:
no doubt awesome
no doubt different
no doubt in flames
Well, In Flames has certainly always been the least interesting of the Gothenburg trio (others being Dark Tranquillity and At The Gates). Recently they have been getting even more boring, so what is new? I guess they are differentiating themselves. Maybe they checked out what Dark Tranquillity is doing and upon finding it exciting thought they better get boring to be different.

Just a thought.
Well, In Flames has certainly always been the least interesting of the Gothenburg trio (others being Dark Tranquillity and At The Gates). Recently they have been getting even more boring, so what is new? I guess they are differentiating themselves. Maybe they checked out what Dark Tranquillity is doing and upon finding it exciting thought they better get boring to be different.

Just a thoughtexactly what i was talking about. inflames are good at what they do, but arent exactly the best metal around. i didnt mean it like they suck. . the only inflames cd i own is the tokyp showdown, and i was very dissapointing. i only liked 2 songs, one being zombie inc, the other being pinball map.
ive heard in numerous metal chatrooms that clayman was a dibbacle. i dunno
Originally posted by neal

guess you havent heard ANY in flames huh dipfuck? SHADUP. reroute to remain is:
no doubt awesome
no doubt different
no doubt in flames

It is no doubt In Flames, and it is no doubt different. But that's it. Awesome it is not.

Not bad by any stretch, but try to imagine the lead singer of Midnight Oil fronting a cross between Soilwork, In Flames & Slipknot. You'll have this album.
Originally posted by neal

guess you havent heard ANY in flames huh dipfuck? SHADUP. reroute to remain is:
no doubt awesome
no doubt different
no doubt in flames

You forgot one thing,

No doubt a piece of shit. If its as shitty as the latest Soilwork..God help us all. Even you, shitcan.
Originally posted by neal

guess you havent heard ANY in flames huh dipfuck? SHADUP. reroute to remain is:
no doubt awesome
no doubt different
no doubt in flames

agreed completely

very different
a new sound too it
very heavy as well i think, but like death heavy
bought it like an hour ago and haven't listened to it all, but I like it alot so far

it has my approval
Well, if anyone has Whoracle and Colony he doesn,t have to buy their other albums 'cause the are fucking the shame!!!!:mad:
The new is their heavier but i need to listen to it more to have an opinion about it!!!!!!!