Mr. Halloween

Aug 1, 2023
I just saw a story on the Metal Archives forum that INQUISITION are releasing a new record in January. The release date is Jan. 26, and the album's title is Veneration of Medieval Mysticism and Cosmological Violence. It's their first record since Black Mass for a Mass Grave.

I'm a huge fan of this band, always will be. It's amazing to think that this band produces their brand of black metal with only 2 members in the band, and sound awesome live. Fuck all of the bullshit they've been through, Dagon made a mistake over a decade ago, and has done everything he needed to do afterwards. If he was what a lot of stupid motherfuckers claim he is, he wouldn't have been able to keep his passport and still tour.
I also doubt Incubus would still be his bandmate, they've been together for decades, in spite of all the bullshit.
I've never listened to them before but I'm gonna check them out now thanks

edit: wasn't aware of the Dagon shit, he also had an NS project so I'm less enthusiastic unless the music is insanely good
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i assume there are loads of paedos in black metal tbh, as long as they aren't singing about banging kids i don't care too much. also find inquisition pretty dull though, especially lately.
Wasn't he exonerated on the nonce stuff?
Yup, paid a fine, jail time was suspended, took 6 months of counseling, and a 2 year follow up interview. The "woke" cult of metal fans aren't interested in the facts, just their stupid fucking opinions.
Wait, so he actually did consume child porn?
He made the mistake of thinking he could glance at it without it being permanently on his laptop, which isn't the case. You look at something like that once, which is what he said happened, and it can be traced back to your location. He and his wife shared a laptop that had some photos of young girls, and he admitted it was a mistake and paid his dues under the law.
He wasn't required to register as an offender with Wash. state, which is where we both live, and he was allowed to keep his passport, because he paid for his offense.
He says it was a one time mistake that never happened again, and I believe him, as does Incubus, his drummer. He's been his friend and bandmate through all of the bullshit piled on top of the band.
This all happened over 10 years ago, and everyone deserves a second chance.
Dagon released a message responding to the metal sucks story that they put out claiming he was a convicted sex offender, which isn't true. You can find it online if you look.
He also did an interview with a you tube channel in Finland done by a metal head who calls himself RAUTA. He did a 2 part interview with him a little over a year ago when they were there to play in a festival, and he talks about what actually happened.
Look up his(RAUTA) channel, and you'll find it there.
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That's cool, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. This all happened in '09 IIRC, 14 years ago. Everyone deserves a second chance, and you know that law enforcement would get involved if it happened again.
It's not going to affect my enjoyment of their music, they're in my top 5 of all time black metal bands.
Haha I've seen that interview. He does the same thing he did when he was being accused of being a Nazi. The guy seems like he's incapable of simply saying "I fucked up when I was younger and now I'm trying to move past it."

Guy is a sociopath but so are a lot of other black metal musicians I like. Never impacted my opinion on their music. Prefer their old stuff but I still like their newer albums.
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Yeah ngl that interview made me think he's guilty af, but got off on some kind of technicality, and now he has no way to explain his innocence without writing a fucking Tolkien novel in the process.

It sounds like he got busted because among his porn was a folder titled in a way that implied child porn content, but it was empty, which is why in that sus interview he says "you can title a folder anything" lmfao. Also one of his charges was like, obstructing an investigation or tampering with evidence, something like that.
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It's been 14 years, and they have toured the world countless times since he served his sentence in '11 or '12, good enough for me. I'll continue to buy and listen to their stuff.