New interface advice needed!


May 24, 2004
I've been toying with the idea of a new interface for quite a while. Now I finally have the extra money to spend and I thought my mind was set on the PreSonus FP10. Lately thought I have seen quite a few complaints about the drivers etc. so now I am back to square one in decided which interface to get. Here's the deal, I have about $500 to spend and would like something with more than 2 inputs (with midi I/O) that is stable and preferably firewire. I am really thinking about saving some more money and getting the new MOTU mk3 but not sure I need all of those features.

Anyone have some advice? I've been using the m-audio 24/96 for about 8 years.
I have a MOTU 8Pre as well as a Focusrite Saffire Pro 26i/o. The 8Pre has good pres, good converters, and is only $549 can find them on the cheap used on eBay. The Saffire is a little more, but has better pres and converters, plus it has all the output options for reamping and multi-monitor setups. I use the Saffire as my interface, with my 8Pre going into that via ADAT. No complaints yet :)

thanks for the reply. I will look at those interfaces. anyone else?

Wondering if the Focusrite Saffire PRO 10 I/O is as stable as the 26 I/O? That one is more in my price range I really like the number of outputs.
I really feel like an ass bumping my own thread but I was wondering if anyone has used the Saffire Pro 10 I/O and would love to hear some opinions on that puppy.