New interviews posted

From the latest interveiw...

"A lot of our reviews compare similarities between us and Iced Earth whether it be vocally or guitar wise with the triplets. I'm flattered if anyone compares me with Matt as he was a major influence on me and is a great vocalist. I try to convey emotion in my vocals and I think that's something he excelled in. I think I use some elements of my influences in my vocals whilst retaining my own style, at least that's the idea…

Too bad Matt buggered off huh.. to military administration, somewhat or the other. Tims a good lad though - Gettysberg for song of the year!!

The triplets do remind me of Jons galloping rythm guitar riffage! As a musician, i can say the Intense guitar solos have more taste :D I love Iced Earth, and am a big fan of the Angels Holocaust solo.. but theres something missing there.

As for the voice, similiar to Matts though in your style. Does suite the music well!

PS: Any chance of some tablature? My music theory lacks the skill to tab
The Winged, Collision Of Destinies... would be cool. Im not placing any demands or anything.. riffs or anything from any of those two ownage songs.
Tablature would also be a cool adittion to the website.. i think :D
We were going to have tab on the website a while back but it never materialised ...but now the subjects been brought up again.What kind of stuff would you like -riffs,chords,lead bits,bass bits DRUM? bits
FenrisAr said:
"A lot of our reviews compare similarities between us and Iced Earth whether it be vocally or guitar wise with the triplets. I'm flattered if anyone compares me with Matt as he was a major influence on me and is a great vocalist. I try to convey emotion in my vocals and I think that's something he excelled in. I think I use some elements of my influences in my vocals whilst retaining my own style, at least that's the idea…

Too bad Matt buggered off huh.. to military administration, somewhat or the other. Tims a good lad though - Gettysberg for song of the year!!
Funnily enough, one of the main appeals of Intense for me is that they sound similar to Iced Earth, but with a decent singer! I couldn't stand Matt Barlow's voice, ugh...

Anyway, I'll be getting onto these interviews soonish, aye...