new IW design schema

it looks good to me. the sidebar color scheme, working with the typeface is almost... whimsical?

i didn't scrutinize; the only things i would point out:

- even though it has a "light" feel, i'd suggest altering the arrow ehancements (">") to something that is bolder/stronger. they don't really add (attract) much as they are.

- does it bother you that increasing the type size knocks everything out of the style boxes? it probably doesn't, and i don't think grandparents will be reading the site, but just in case. i shouldn't even be mentioning it because i wouldn't question your structural designs, aviroig.
the font sizes shouldn't be malleable - they're all set by pixel size. what browser are you on?

colored tabs are being reset as we speak to a uniform gray
this sounds like i'm bitching about it, but i'm really not. it looks cool! but a couple things i thought after looking:

the fonts almost seem too incongruous; the robotic looking section headers (in all caps) mixed with the old fashioned bookprint titles ('') and the small print seem like they're all different and sort of incongruous

i guess if people want more reviews (like on the site now, there are more listed in text), they have to go look at the reviews section? i kind of like being able to look at the index page (like it is now) and see more titles you might miss if you hadn't been to the site in a while, or just to catch people's attention.

the news: does it make sense to have the news repeated twice on the page, between the news blurbs and the news links section? i know the site's like that now, but could you maybe just have the blurbs up and then a 'more news' page link at the bottom after the last blurb (and keep the news search box) and skip the recent news links section?

also: how is the content organized- like in a database? would it be possible to write a search function to go across all things, like reviews, news, tours, interviews, articles, etc? (you could borrow the UM one!)

again, after reading this, it sounds bitchy. sorry, really don't mean it that way, just trying to throw out ideas. (translated: thanks, avi, for working on this.)
new boxes can always be added on the right hand side without messing up any of the layout junk.

I could also try an inset box in the main content area in the upper-right with the "more" content. i dunno - I'm not like set on anything here, that's why I'm asking for ideas.