new japanese sea creature! :):):)


human plant/container
Oct 17, 2003
Boston, MA
check out how fucking AWESOME this thing looks!

and bioluminescent!


Picture released by Japan Marine Science and Technology Center shows a deep sea creature found 6,500 meters (10,000 feet) under water in the Japan Deep of the Pacific Ocean.(AFP-JIJI PRESS/HO)

it makes me think of those glow worm toys i had when i was little that would light up a little when you hugged them.
Picture released by Japan Marine Science and Technology Center shows a deep sea creature found 6,500 meters (10,000 feet) under water in the Japan Deep of the Pacific Ocean.(AFP-JIJI PRESS/HO)
I could be wrong, but I don't think 6,500 meters = 10,000 feet.
Nick do you know if when scientists discover a new deep-sea creature, do they capture it and take it back with them? Or just have the submersible take photos?

I mean it seems obvious that they wouldn't be able to get it back to their lab alive, but at the same time I have a hard time imagining a curious scientist not wanting to capture the thing to study it fully.