New Kamelot - video from the new disc


Grrrr!!! (I'm a bear)
Mar 7, 2009
Kamelot released the first track/video from their upcoming album Silverthorn today - the track is titled "Sacrimony (Angel of Afterlife)" and features new vocalist Tommy Karevik (Seventh Wonder) as well as clean vocals from Elize Ryd (Amaranthe/Kamelot touring backing vocals) and growled vocals from Alissa White-Gluz (The Agonist).

They seemed to have found a perfect replacement for former vocalist Roy Khan in Tommy Karevik, he can sound eerily similar to Roy Khan but also brings his own thing to the track. I like the stuff he's done with Seventh Wonder (Mercy Falls and The Great Escape are some great discs) so I was really looking forward to hearing him with Kamelot.

The track has me really looking forward to this disc.

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Hmmm...I was skeptical of anyone replacing Khan, but this seems like a good choice. He seems to be picking up where Khan started leaving off from the last couple of releases, and puts his own character into it as well. Khan is still one of my favorite singers (especially from Epica and The Black Halo albums), but now I'm looking forward to hearing the new stuff.
Listened to this track several times since first hearing it and the more I listen to it the more I'm getting imapatient waiting for the 30th to roll around. Had to break out my DVD of "One Cold Winter's Night" to get a Kamelot fix (still as good as it was when I first saw it - had not watched in at least a year).

Seen several reviews for Silverthorn already and all seem to hint at a really great disc. Most reviews seem to agree that Tommy Karevik is a great fit for Kamelot with some finding him more versatile than Roy Khan was (I'll have to hear the whole album before my final judgement on that one but judging form the great work he has done with Seventh Wonder it would not be a complete surprise).