New King Diamond Video

I love the King. Personally I loved the video. Thought it was much more creative than some of his other ones. Even with his back injury I thought he did a great job. Hope his backs heals and can get back out on tour.
I'm glad it's finally ready to air ... it's been several months since they actually did the filming of the vid. All in all I liked the vid .. good to see the King will be getting some airtime on Headbangers Ball in the near future.

As I've said many times before, Abigial is the greatest album of all time! Them and Conspiracy aren't too far behind. After that the King has been consistently very good but never quite equaling the first three. Puppet Master was again great and 4th best on my list of KD releases. Gimme Your Soul... Please is another very good release, above Spider's Lullabye and Graveyard but not quite up to the elite of KD's catalog. All that to say I like the song and the video.
As I've said many times before, Abigial is the greatest album of all time! Them and Conspiracy aren't too far behind. After that the King has been consistently very good but never quite equaling the first three.

I'm with you - except I have Them in front. I also loved The Eye.

New one was good - but definitely not as the marketing from them suggested ("my best album ever"). Are they ever though? :Smug::)

Video was cool - good to see him on video again!
As I've said many times before, Abigial is the greatest album of all time! Them and Conspiracy aren't too far behind. After that the King has been consistently very good but never quite equaling the first three.

And by "the first three" you, of course, mean Fatal Portrait, Abigail and "Them" right? ;)

I'm with you - except I have Them in front. I also loved The Eye.

New one was good - but definitely not as the marketing from them suggested ("my best album ever"). Are they ever though? :Smug::)

Video was cool - good to see him on video again!

I'm a huuuuuuge King Diamond fan. I love this band (and Fate) more than any other band in the world. As much as I love Abigail and "Them", i have to say my favorite is House of God. i think the album is criminally underrated, the songs are amazing, the story is probably his best yet and the entire album is just beautifully crafted.

The Puppet Master also holds a very, very special place in my heart. The album is probably the best in terms of King capturing the crushing emotion as well as a real feeling of desolation. I can't tell you how many times that album nearly brought me to tears... it's just fantastic.

Yeah, classic King Diamond is amazing, and Abigail is a damn near perfect album. Those other two are just too damned good.
The song was ok, but King Diamond is so ridiculous.

I actually agree with rms.

It was a great video for a laugh though. ("i'm so black metal i cry upside down crosses!!") The lyrics and rhythm are Pretty cliche and boringly simple imho except for that one solo. But the video is entertaining in a funny way none the less. I've found some Black metal to sometimes be a parody unto itself lol. I like some black metal though, just not King D. Anyways...This Sure brightened my morning lol. :loco:

So I enjoyed the video...just, in a completely different way :D haha But to each his own :) I have many friends that love Black Metal, just a different taste is all.

Don't ban me MA! :( hahah *cries first amendment*