New KotC vid using Mike of Bereavements live footage


Oct 23, 2002
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So I got this new video editing software and made a new vid outta the old one that Mike sent us last year (thanks Mike :kickass: ) It's up on youtube

Quality's not that hot seeing as though you can't upload huge amounts of data to youtube......

Anyway, sorry for the spam, just thought you might find it of interest since Sam and Dan can be seen in the video (sorta) haha...
Thanks Dan!

Have you spoken with Justin about getting a copy of the record? I seriously do not have any or I would send you guys some.

Most of the reviews I've seen have been above and beyond what I expected. Haven't really come across a bad one yet...Kinda weird and makes me wonder if these people are full of shit cause they got it for free or something haha......
Umm, ya we've been meaning to ask you guys about that. Where the hell are they? Is Rhett sitting on them or what? Dan, get on Rhetts ass about getting us copies dammit!

No idea Mike....It was my understanding that we were all to receive 20 copies each, but instead we got two each.....I spoke with Justin about this the day before yesterday and he only got two copies as well....Not sure if Rhett has more or not....A disappointing situation to be sure and a pretty lame move of Grau's behalf if you ask me :mad:
Dude, no sweat on the album man, it's all good, I completely understand. Seriouisly, don't worry about the cd's, true friends will support! And I will be bying my copy. I do have cd's for you guys I just have no addys.