Go buy this dvd NOW...Seriously, it kicks ass
You get a full concert by Lamb of God and all kinds of backstage footage(the whole dvd is over 180 min)......The funniest part of the dvd is in Glasgow, when Randy get his ass handed to him by the bass player after getting into a huge, (very) drunken fight. Randy is absolutely smashed out of his mind and proceeds to piss off everyone in the LOG camp to the point where Randy getting his ass kicked( in a kilt no less) is the only solution to chilling him out. This is probably one the better music dvd's I have bought in awhile and it is well worth 12.99 I paid for it. The one thing I don't understand is that I got it yesterday but their website says it is not being released until this coming tuesday. I wonder if I got lucky and Best Buy screwed up by putting it out early or if it got pushed up a week ahead of schedule?????