New Lamb of God DVD-Killadelphia


Chief Ten Beers
Jun 25, 2004
In the Pabst Brewery
Go buy this dvd NOW...Seriously, it kicks ass:rock: You get a full concert by Lamb of God and all kinds of backstage footage(the whole dvd is over 180 min)......The funniest part of the dvd is in Glasgow, when Randy get his ass handed to him by the bass player after getting into a huge, (very) drunken fight. Randy is absolutely smashed out of his mind and proceeds to piss off everyone in the LOG camp to the point where Randy getting his ass kicked( in a kilt no less) is the only solution to chilling him out. This is probably one the better music dvd's I have bought in awhile and it is well worth 12.99 I paid for it. The one thing I don't understand is that I got it yesterday but their website says it is not being released until this coming tuesday. I wonder if I got lucky and Best Buy screwed up by putting it out early or if it got pushed up a week ahead of schedule?????
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Go buy this dvd NOW...Seriously, it kicks ass:rock: You get a full concert by Lamb of God and all kinds of backstage footage(the whole dvd is over 180 min)......The funniest part of the dvd is in Glasgow, when Randy get his ass handed to him by the bass player after getting into a huge, (very) drunken fight. Randy is absolutely smashed out of his mind and proceeds to piss off everyone in the LOG camp to the point where Randy getting his ass kicked( in a kilt no less) is the only solution to chilling him out. This is probably one the better music dvd's I have bought in awhile and it is well worth 12.99 I paid for it. The one thing I don't understand is that I got it yesterday but their website says it is not being released until this coming tuesday. I wonder if I got lucky and Best Buy screwed up by putting it out early or if it got pushed up a week ahead of schedule?????

WOW!!!!! TUESDAY?! It finally comes out?! SWEET!!! I'm in that, I think! I was there both nights! Just look for some black kid in a Lamb of God shirt with glasses near the front of the stage. I was all over the place there and had a shitload of fun. Fear Factory opening for them was insane. You should have seen all the kids who came out just for Children of Bodom and left after their set.
im getting this for sure. Lamb of God are one of my favorites.

If you havent already buy BURN THE PRIEST! This fucking cd is totally awesome.
straight american METAL!

It makes "ashes of the wake" sound like pop.
yea i was thinking about picking this dvd up didn't know it was coming out on tuesday though so thanks for that tidbit of information I actually talked to Randy at the Anthrax show in Chicago(the second one) and asked him what his favorite city to play was and it was Philly lol never seen a guy throw in but Chicago is great too as quickly as he did but I totally respect that he gave me a straight up honest truth on that as opposed to being some asshole musician trying to keep/get fans
Well, I just got my copy from work today! $10.49! :D

Also, and this is a great note, I went in the backroom to get it and ran into someone in charge of ordering products. Turns out we only ordered 6 of the DVD's, and with mine, we had sold 3 in 2 HOURS! That's fucking unheard of in my store, ESPECIALLY for a metal DVD release!

I told her to order 20 more, and she did. They should arrive soon. :)

I'm going to start watching it tonight, should be kick ass!