New Liquorworks Song Finished

Not really digging the synth parts, they sound a bit cheap and the song would do better without them imo. Also, some drum parts are a bit too robotic - that's if you want them to sound realistic, if you don't then they're fine as they are.

Overall I'm really liking how this sounds, production is great. Not too original but I suspect you aren't trying to reinvent the wheel anyway. Get a vocalist but if you ask me, don't get the usual Periphery-Tesseract-whatever-sounding vocalist, I'd suggest getting something a little different if you want to stand out.
Yeah, the keyboard player needs to learn the layering functions properly.
I would definitly suggest layering several pads on top of each other, some pitched down an octave to get a fatter sound.. they sound pretty thin at the moment.

Other then that great job!

Btw.. im guessing the title comes from the flooding of your rehearsal space? ;)